LLB from the Hebrew University Law School;
LLM from American University;
LLM and SJD from the University of Michigan.
Representative Publications
Morag, T. "The Ban on Parental Corporal Punishment in Israel – What Facilitated the Change?" in Saunders, B.J, Leviner, P. & Naylor, B. Corporal Punishment of Children: Comparative Legal and Social Developments, Brill|Nijhoff, Leiden, the Netherlands, 2018
Tamar Morag, Yoa Sorek, Child Participation in Family Courts in Israel, An Account of an Ongoing Learning Process, in international perspectives and empirical findings on child participation from social exclusion to child inclusive policies (New York, Oxford University Press) (Ed- Tali Gal and Benedetta Faedi-Duramy) ( 2015)
Tamar Morag and Karni Perlman – Hear my voice? Theraputic jurisprudence and child participation in Family Courts. Hamishat22, 2016 ( Hebrew)
Tamar Morag, The Principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and Their Influence on Israeli Law, 22 MICH ST INT'L L REV. 531, 2014
Tamar Morag,Nicola Taylor, Robyn Fitzgerald, Asha Bajpai & Anne Graham,International Models of Child Participation in Family Law Proceedings following Parental Separation / Divorce Int’l J. Children's Rights, 2013
Tamar Morag, Dori Rivkin & Yoa Sorek,Child Participation in Family Courts – Lessons from the Israeli Pilot Project,26 Int’l J.L., Pol’y & Fam. 1, 2012
Tamar Morag, Religious Traditions and the Corporal Punishment of Children: A Comparative Analysis of the American and Israeli Legal Systems, 25 Int’l J. L., Pol’y & Fam. Vol. 364, 2012
Tamar Morag, 20 Years Later: Children's Rights and Children’s Image According to the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, in Children’s Rights and Israeli Law, Hamishpat L. Rev (in collaboration with Ramot press)15-63 (Tamar Morag ed), 2010 (Hebrew)