Dr. Shiran Reichenberg is a clinical teacher of 'Youth at-risk rights' clinic in the Faculty of Law, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. The clinic promotes children's rights by personal advocacy, education and policy change.
Her doctoral dissertation subject is “The Right to Participation and Care Proceedings in Youth Court”, supervised by Prof. Michael Karayyani, Faculty of Law, the Hebrew University and Prof. Dafna Hacker from Tel-Aviv University.
Shiran graduated L.LB and L.LM from the Faculty of Law, the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, and received prestigious 'Leonard Sainer Chevening Scholarship' (2007-2008) for L.LM studies at UCL. She wrote her dissertation on the subject: "What is the Optimal Modal for Child Representation in Civil Proceedings?", supervised by Prof. Michael Freeman. In her dissertation, she developed a comparative holistic model for child representation in care and supervision proceedings.